Our team

Mundo de Niños is a project with an authentic social vocation thanks to the participation of its team of professionals who work with dedication and renewed passion for positive and sustained change:


Andreas Clamer

Andreas Clamer

President & Founder Andreas founded Mundo de Niños and coordinates the projects from Europe. He manages finances and projects for the self-support of the association
Marco Antonio Vasquez Wong

Marco Antonio Vasquez Wong

Legal representative Marco represents Mundo de Niños in Peru. He is in charge of supervising the association in institutional matters.
Blanca Ganoza Grey

Blanca Ganoza Grey

Director Blanca is in charge of the supervision of our three projects. She coordinates the team and the activities and is responsible for the development of Mundo de Niños
Annie Johanson Valdivia

Annie Johanson Valdivia

Home Coordinator and Social Assistant Annie supervises everything that concerns the Home and makes sure everything runs smooth at the Home. She is also responsible for the legal management of the minors and the visits to the families of the kids and youth who currently live or used to live at the Home.
Michael Krell

Michael Krell

Treasurer & founding member Michael is responsible for the whole administration of Mundo de Niños’ finances.
Matthias Maslaton

Matthias Maslaton

Legal and administrative support Matthias supports us in all legal and administration matters. He is also one of the founding members.
Manuel Vera Guevara

Manuel Vera Guevara

Tutor Manuel is one of the four tutors taking care of the children at the Home and giving them love and affection. As the other tutors, he supervises the children day and night depending on his shift and makes sure everything goes smootly
Daniel Aranda Perez

Daniel Aranda Perez

Tutor Daniel is one of the four tutors taking care of the children at the Home and giving them love and affection. As the other tutors, he supervises the children day and night depending on his shift and makes sure everything goes smoothly
Gladys Arenas Pulido

Gladys Arenas Pulido

Tutor Gladys is one of the four tutors taking care of the children at the Home and giving them love and affection. As the other tutors, she supervises the children day and night depending on her shift and makes sure everything goes smoothly
Carmen Vigo

Carmen Vigo

Tutor Carmen is one of the four tutors taking care of the children at the Home and giving them love and affection. As the other tutors, she supervises the children day and night depending on her shift and makes sure everything goes smoothly
Jhonnan Alexis Padilla

Jhonnan Alexis Padilla

School Tutor Alexis makes sure the kids are doing well at school by helping them every day after school with their homework and supporting their academic and artistic skills development.
Lía Mía Quiroz de León Lescano

Lía Mía Quiroz de León Lescano

Psychologist Lía is the psychologist of the Home. She meets with each boy every week to follow-up with them and have a better insight of how they feel and develop within the Home
Lady Diana Avitez Rodriguez

Lady Diana Avitez Rodriguez

Street Work Supervisor Diana is in charge of the Street Work area: she organizes the prevention, identification and recruitment activities for the kids from the different peripherical zones of Trujillo and Huanchaco. She builds trustful relationships with community leaders and makes sure we remain a contact point for the families
Vicente Sergio Carranza Salgado

Vicente Sergio Carranza Salgado

Communication & Volunteering (South America) Sergio is in charge of the communication for the different projects. He is also the contact point for all volunteers willing to work at Mundo de Niños
Adèle Ecochard

Adèle Ecochard

Europe Coordination Adèle helps from Europe to broaden our network of friends and supporters


We can rely as well on the support of the volunteers who help us throughout the year.









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Our Projects

Daycare center

Daycare Center

Under the auspices of the Fundación Meridional born in Spain and with similar projects in Ecuador, Paraguay and Africa ...

Children and Youth Home

Children and Youth Home

The hospice became a reality in 2001 with the rental of a small house in the historic resort of Huanchaco, Trujillo-Peru ...